Your feedback

Parenting Strategies

Quiz for Preteens

This quiz is designed to assist you in evaluating your parenting strategies, offering insights into areas where you may want to enhance as a parent.

Section 1: Communication
Section 2: Discipline
Section 3: Emotional Support
Section 4: Relationships

Please complete the form before checking the scoring mechanism and the related analysis.

  • Assign 2 points for each A response
  • 1 point for each B response
  • 0 points for each C response
  • -1 point for each D response.
  • 12-16 points: Your parenting strategies appear well-rounded and supportive.
  • 8-11 points: Some areas may benefit from more attention; consider focusing on specific aspects.
  • 4-7 points: There is room for improvement; explore strategies to enhance your overall parenting approach.
  • 0-3 points: Reflect on your parenting strategies, particularly in communication and relationships, and seek ways to strengthen connections.

How did you do?

By identifying your child’s character strengths and weaknesses now, you have gained a great advantage in parenting. And when you understand the information, you can begin working objectively toward encouraging and reinforcing the positive aspects of your child’s character while snoring up the weak ones.

Please understand that neither you nor your child will ever be perfect. Being a good enough parent is key.

The Pre-Teen Parenting Circle Program is specifically designed to support you manage all these issues and much more.

Happy Mindful Parenting