Remember Why You Are Standing Here

In light of the recent distressing and horrific times, I always seek writing as a means of self-expression and solace. Today, I address this humble poem to those in positions capable of influencing the tragic events of our world. Through this heartfelt message, I aim to resonate with their hearts and conscience, inspiring wisdom and compassion—a beacon to restore faith in humanity and halt the oppression witnessed in our world.

Remember why you’re standing here,

Our full trust to you was genuinely sincere!

You are well aware of the principles we cherish.

Securing people’s lives is a duty you must nourish.

Not merely statues, our existence you should hold dear,

Not to incite anger nor hate, but Love – loud and clear.

Remember why you’re standing here!

Fulfill your mission of goodness, not dire renditions.

Lead with integrity, honesty, equality, not divisive decisions.

Lead with wisdom and compassion in your heart,

Uplift EVERYONE’S dreams, not tear them apart.

For in Unity, in Hope, and in Peace we stand.

Your duty is to shelter us, and walk alongside us, hand in hand.

Remember why you are standing here!

For it’s your obligation to rightfully lead, not to instill fear,

Or choose selfishness, egoism, and greed,

That eventually will lead to a direful dark deed.

You owe it to all Humans to flourish and thrive,

To feel safe, peaceful, and alive.

We demand justice, insight, and moderation.

Which form the basics of a solid foundation;

And finally, build worldwide communities that are truthfully sincere…

Remember why you are standing here!

6 Responses

  1. Love this Rania!!! Very expressive and I am glad you are channeling all those feelings that we all have through writing.. I do the same .. let’s keep remembering why we are standing here 🇵🇸🇵🇸❤️❤️

    1. Thank you Rana for your input and feedback. We are blessed that we have the ability to express ourselves, use our words as a means to spread awareness and educate the world. Together we stand strong for justice and the freedom of P.

  2. Beautiful poem Rania. Your words should resonate in the minds of all those who claim to lead the world. But, alas, their only concern is how to accumulate wealth at the expense of human life. What is happening in Palestine and what has been happening for seventy five years is horrendous. However, I can see a glimpse of hope in the general outcry of the peoples of the world. The cry for freedom and justice is growing louder and louder and it should never stop.

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