A poem for my mother on Mother’s Day

I woke up in the middle of the night,
Having your angelic face right in front of my sight
I stretched my arms to hold you to my chest,
To give you warmth, cuddle you, and rest,
The way you used to hold me, and still do.
When I was young – and now a mommy like you.
When I look back in time,
I perceive you as my music, my melody, my rhyme.
You enlightened me with faith and wisdom.
Gave me the strongest weapons to enjoy life’s Freedom,
You taught me about inner peace,
And helped me attain it with ease.
A mom like you is the divine bliss,
And this very moment it’s your presence that I miss.
I thank the Lord for granting me such a unique chance,
To follow your steps in our irreplaceable dance
As you showered me with a mother’s love, patience, and affection…
How can I express my admiration?
Words would never reflect my endless gratitude,
As many as the infinite lines of longitude and latitude.
Your trust and confidence in me
Bloomed magically into me,
As I elaborated on my own character
Who is always working on becoming sounder and better.
And all of this is due to your boundless care and everlasting presence…
Now I understand a mom’s endurance,
With all its soring pain, loving laughter, agonizing concerns, ardent joy,
And all that you have went through…
How can I ever thank you,
For all that you have done?
You are my splendor, my power, my mommy – my one.

R. Hussant

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