Double Digits, already!

Ten years ago today, I found myself rushed to the hospital after my water broke unexpectedly at just 32 weeks of gestation, a situation we had somehow anticipated given that I was pregnant with twins.

After spending the whole night with mild contractions, I knew there was no going back, and my little birdies were soon to be born. However, I was bewildered by the whole experience of delivering a few weeks earlier than normal, especially because I was going into labour all alone. I did not know what to do or how to react. I vividly recall a moment when I trembled uncontrollably, feeling as fragile as a dry leaf torn from its tree. The anaesthetic doctor asked me what I was afraid of, and my stern reply was, “I am not scared of anything!”

“Show me,” he defied. His words resonated like a wake-up call. I took this as a challenge, a moment demanding that I ground myself in the present, get rid of my apprehension, and “let the wind take my sail.”

At 9:30 A.M, and amidst a whirlwind of emotions, I heard their first cries. Tears welled up in my eyes as I longed to hold them close to me the way I did with their three elder brothers before. I wanted to reassure them that everything would be alright. Yet, as the doctor held them, just a few centimeters away from me, proclaiming their beauty, I realized they couldn’t be placed in my arms just yet. They had to be whisked away to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), leaving me anxiously awaiting the moment we could finally be reunited.

I’ll never forget the moment, around 11:30 pm that same day, when I finally laid eyes on them. They were placed in separate incubators, adorned with wires attached to their petite chests, feet, and back with more tubes protruding from their mouths and noses. It was a heartbreaking sight – seeing my little birdies confined in those plastic rectangular cribs, so tiny and fragile.

Having a premature child is an immensely distressing and challenging ordeal. Despite being acutely aware of your baby’s fragility, helplessness, and diminutive size, you’re also struck by their inherent strength, resilience, and determination to fight for their life. And fight they did!

Fast forward to today, our twins are celebrating their tenth birthday, and their presence in our lives has been nothing short of pure bliss and joy multiplied. They are currently in the midst of their pre-teen years, absorbing a wealth of information about the changes their bodies will soon undergo and other essential details. With innocence, they inquire about sensitive topics, and amidst their curiosity, they often share a hearty laughter together.

Another amusing aspects of having twins is navigating through the same issues twice, often simultaneously. Whether they’re having fun, causing mischief, or attempting to have an argument, it always seems to occur in pairs. Yet, amidst the chaos, there’s an undeniable charm in witnessing their synchronised antics.

It’s delightful and truly remarkable to observe how seamlessly they continue to coordinate with each other. They share an unspoken bond, exchanging confidences, communicating in their own unique language, and intuitively understanding each other’s needs.

As we celebrate this milestone in their lives, we’re filled with gratitude for the double dose of love, laughter, and mischief they bring into our home. Here’s to another decade of shared adventures and cherished memories with our remarkable twins.

Now let me know who else here is a parent of twins, and how would you describe your experience with them? Share with me.

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