I am frequently asked about my calm and composed manner. Many wonder, even those who are close to me, how I maintain this zen attitude with all the responsibilities that I have as a working mother of five! Others question if I ever feel bored, hollow, down, or even dispirited! Well, yes, just like you, sometimes I do!
The simple answer to these questions is: It is a matter of mindset!
I am not a perfect mother, nor will I ever be. I have my ups and downs, my worries and concerns, my weaknesses and flaws! Just like any other human out there, I feel tired, drained and yes I sometimes run out of patience.
However, there are a few attributes for which I am grateful of possessing and others that I have worked hard on accomplishing. All of this has made me the person I am today.
Gratitude: “A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.” Marci Shimoff
When we learn to focus on the positive aspects of our lives, we are less likely to get bogged down by negative thoughts and feelings. By practice, I trained my mind to express gratitude towards life and the people around me whenever I have my own worrying moments. This strengthens me on the inside and helps me appreciate everything I am bestowed with. This is how I cultivate an optimistic outlook which comes in handy during difficult times. Feeling grateful sprinkles a little shimmer of magic that initiates an inexplicable sentiment of fulfillment within a person’s soul.
Present Moment: “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.” Ekart Tolle
We all know how playful the mind is and how mischievous it can be. Many of us remain trapped in our past allowing previous incidents to haunt us or we jump into the future allowing the fear of uncertainty to control us. Training the mind to focus on the present moment diminishes almost half of the stress we experience. Being fully present, offers us the opportunity to let go of our worries and focus on what we have in this real moment.
Change: “The only way to make sense of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” Alan Watts
Like the flooding rivers, my soul loves inner change. Working on inner change involves developing self-awareness, practicing self-reflection, and taking intentional actions to transform any behavior we want to enhance. This is how we reach a more fulfilling life, and it is one of my biggest to goal: to teach my children not to fret and judge others, but to rather worry about how they can maintain being upright and worthy beings.
Having a truthful inner satisfaction helps shift one’s mindset and focus on the inner validation which is more purposeful and meaningful. When we are satisfied with our lives we feel more motivated, happy, and we become preoccupied with positive inner fullness instead of seeking external validation.
Inner Satisfaction: “Happiness is really a deep harmonious inner satisfaction and approval.” Francis Wilshire
And when all else fails, simply smile!
In conclusion, when we feel overwhelmed with guilt or defeat, we can find the right path and train ourselves to change our mindset through these practices. This is how we can cultivate a more positive approach towards ourselves and improve our overall well-being!